A word from the author... That's me.
I finally did it. After much holding out, I decided to jump on the Blogging Bandwagon to see if this new trend is really worth all the hype.

For starters, introductions are in order.... ahem.... My name isn't really important since you either know me already or you don't care.... not to mention that there many of you crazies out there who should never know my name. With a name or without, I am at the moment in a medical school that trains doctors for third world operations aptly named MSIH (Medical School for International Health). Clever huh. The real kicker is that I moved out to the deserts of Israel to learn here. Needless to say living here is HARD and the medicine isn't any picnic either. They say that the road to success is paved with.... uh.... I don't remember what they said it was paved with but I can think of some choice words for it. Somehow at the end of the day we manage to get by, my class and me.
So the point of all this is to perhaps mantain my sanity in this circus of a country. If anyone wants to hear the daily trials and opinions of a Texan pilot stranded in the Negev desert, I'm your man. This is only the the beginning...

For starters, introductions are in order.... ahem.... My name isn't really important since you either know me already or you don't care.... not to mention that there many of you crazies out there who should never know my name. With a name or without, I am at the moment in a medical school that trains doctors for third world operations aptly named MSIH (Medical School for International Health). Clever huh. The real kicker is that I moved out to the deserts of Israel to learn here. Needless to say living here is HARD and the medicine isn't any picnic either. They say that the road to success is paved with.... uh.... I don't remember what they said it was paved with but I can think of some choice words for it. Somehow at the end of the day we manage to get by, my class and me.
So the point of all this is to perhaps mantain my sanity in this circus of a country. If anyone wants to hear the daily trials and opinions of a Texan pilot stranded in the Negev desert, I'm your man. This is only the the beginning...
Hey Tanner! Just wanted to say Hello... though I understand from Rob you were in Marble Falls. I've been out of emailing for ages... no time due to family crisis we've been dealing with... and then computer broke down. Thanks to Rob, we have our computer back, but today found I had over 250 emails that I'd not read. That is insane! Anyhow, enjoyed getting your mom's emails and saw this link to your site. Was so good catching up on you. Please be in prayer for our family. I think you met Jennier, our oldest daughter. She and her husband are getting a divorce. Long story, but perhaps Rob mentioned part of it when he saw you last weekend. She and the kids are living with us now, and God is continually showing us miracle after miracle... providing in ways that sound like some of the stories written in the book that tells about the Lord's work in founding YWAM... Amazing how God's economic system is SOOO very different from the worlds. Will share about it at some point, but must get some sleep. God is good!! Love ya, Tanner! jan :)
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