What's in a name?
Once again the time has come for my monthly installment of thought. I really would enjoy writing more often but the fact that there are still only 24 hours in a day doesn't allow for it. I've been petitioning the Committee for Time and Gravity Regulation of the United Nations for a 29 hour day, but for some reason they won't return my calls. So for now we all have to make due with rare jewels such as today's post.
In the past couple of days I have learned several interesting distinctions between words that I previously thought were interchangeable. For example, a fire truck and and a fire engine are not the same thing! If this challenges the very fabric of your universe as it did mine, you are now wondering what could the difference possibly be? In short, a fire engine has the water and a pump for all of the hoses. The fire truck, however, has no water and usually carries extra equipment or a huge ladder. Boggles the mind, I know.
The second realization was that pipe cleaners, you know the furry little arts and crafts wires, are actually used for cleaning smoking pipes! Maybe everyone else has discovered this already and I am way behind in Arts and Craft studies, but I still found it facinating.
And lastly, this is one that I have known for awhile, but I pointed it out to a friend... Farms and ranches. A little piece of info that I always took for granted. It's obvious right? Farms grow crops and ranches raise cattle. Then of course there are your various kinds of minor animals like chickens that can live on both, but I think a distinction can be made.
So there you have it... proof that I am officially losing it. Nah just kidding. Enjoy the simple things today everyone.

And lastly, this is one that I have known for awhile, but I pointed it out to a friend... Farms and ranches. A little piece of info that I always took for granted. It's obvious right? Farms grow crops and ranches raise cattle. Then of course there are your various kinds of minor animals like chickens that can live on both, but I think a distinction can be made.
So there you have it... proof that I am officially losing it. Nah just kidding. Enjoy the simple things today everyone.