Ciudad de Oro
After many months of putting off documenting my recent adventures (of which I have had plenty), I find it ironic that the easiest place to write to you all is situated at 11,000 feet in the Peruvian Andes. Here I am again, miles from home in a small tienda that leaves one puzzled at how the internet could even reach such a place. This little obscure room connected to a much bigger world of obscure rooms sends my imagination running. So from my eccentric room to yours, I am glad to be writing again.
In order to polish up on my Spanish before working in the hospitals here, I enrolled into a language school here in Cuzco, Peru. The city itself has taken on a role of tourism, but you need not wander far before reaching a place that time has long forgotten. Just yesterday I rode a bike 7 hours through some of the roughest and most overwhelming terrain available at 11 thousand feet. The mountains swallowed the clouds as the afternoon rain pushed to no avail against them. Boulders and crevasses marked the narrow trail that clung to the side of cliffs hanging in those same clouds as we rode down. I tell you this, that I have never seen such a creation in all my life. The scenes in front of me seemed so distant and holy that they, for me, became the foreshadowing image of what will someday come.

I enjoy telling you all my adventures, it gives me a sense of pride and accomplishment. But when I see things in this world like those mountains, I realize that I have accomplished nothing. It is only Him who creates that can achieve the end.
Know that you too are one of His greatest achievements and you are loved more than mountains. Hope for the day that is not yet here and in Him who will make it so... because if it is anything like the Andes we will not want to miss it.