A picture is worth...
Several of you out there have written me to see if this blog is dead... well it isn't. The only trouble is that I haven't got anything new to write about except school trouble. Sooo, it's my new objective to have something fun by the weekend. Thanks for the interest, I'll make sure you get your patience worth. Until then here are several thousand words....

Well, Tanner..Looks like you are getting lots of sleep(at least on your way back to school) Rest assured that with your test coming uptoday(tonight here) many will be in prayer. I leave you with
I Tim.1:7." For God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power,love and a sound mind" So have no fear today, but realize what God has already given you.You serve the Lion of Judah.. go in His power. God is not afraid of any test..go,attack,have confidence in what He has given you. We are praying.
His grace abounds....db
Tanner we will be lifting you up to the Lord tonight during your exam around 12 midnight.
Ron & Kelli Starnes
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